140 Laptops for South Pointe Elementary
Congratulations Future Stars of AZ
Intel support Laptops 4 Learning
Laptops 4 Learning Supporting the Community
L4L Supports the NFPBA Scholarship Fundraiser
Edward Gonzalez Is Grateful For Receiving a Laptop from L4L
L4L Needs Your Help
2022 Year in Review
Laptops 4 Learning Awards 100 Laptops to Recipients at the Wrightson Ridge Elementary School
100 Low-income Students Receive Free Laptops
Closing the digital divide
Laptops 4 Learning and UOB promote digital learning for students
Laptops 4 Learning believes a laptop for a disadvantaged student is equivalent to a pencil
Making Life Better For Julie!
Discover the Impact of Giving on Mental Health.
How the Spirit of Giving Created L4L.
The Key to Transitioning Today's Disadvantaged into Powerful Future Leaders!